Championing responsible sexual health decision-making
Sea Monster helped Cipla create awareness about HIV.
Through a narrative-led journey, players guide characters, Blue and Sunny, through various life situations using PrEP pills, ARVs and HIV tests as “pickups” through the gameplay.
Create a game that engages young adults about sexual health.
Cipla, a multinational pharmaceutical company, wanted to harness the power of gamification to tackle the topic of HIV and encourage people to make healthy and responsible decisions. In particular, they wanted a solution that would promote adherence to medication and testing routines.

Motivating audiences to adopt, and retain, important habits around the use of HIV-related medication and testing.
We designed Live2Love - a web-based game that follows the journey of a mixed-status couple. In the game, users are exposed to information and knowledge about HIV, knowing your status, ARVs, and PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis).
Using the stickiness and emotional engagement of games and stories, we weaved a narrative to advocate for and reinforce positive habits around testing and consistent medicating.
Beyond reinforcing Cipla’s position as a trusted healthcare provider and source of relevant health information, by speaking to a relatable human core, the experience taps into people’s aspirations and motivations in a way that knowledge delivery alone does not.